
中華民國滑水總會與臺北市滑水協會帶領臺灣好手出征 勇奪5金4銀3銅 稱霸IWWF亞洲滑水錦標賽印尼站 年輕新星Riona陳禹璇、Jocelyn陳宥蓁獲一金一銅表現優異


台北訊---由「中華民國滑水總會」與「臺北市滑水協會」攜手合作,帶領臺灣14位滑水好手出賽於印尼米納哈薩舉辦的「IWWF亞洲滑水錦標賽」,一共獲得543銅的亮眼好成績。STARFiSH星予運動經紀旗下的運動美少女Jocelyn陳宥蓁和Riona陳禹璇,再度以國手身份代表臺灣出賽於印尼米納哈薩舉辦的「IWWF亞洲滑水錦標賽」,兩人首度越級挑戰Amateur Women Surf快艇衝浪業餘女子組,Riona陳禹璇旗開得勝拿下金牌,Jocelyn陳宥蓁也勇奪銅牌。


Riona陳禹璇掩不住興奮地表示:「第一次挑戰Amateur Women Surf組別,我其實很緊張,還好有教練的策略指導及安撫,終於不負所望取得冠軍。」Jocelyn陳宥蓁也說:「這一次的參賽經驗對我來說太難忘了,雖然我有小小失誤,但還是很享受在比賽當中,並且學到很多,謝謝所有的教練,以及厲害的臺灣代表隊。」

同門師姐妹又是國小就認識的好朋友,Jocelyn陳宥蓁和Riona陳禹璇攜手為臺灣在國際滑水賽事上贏得榮耀,他們非常開心。自今年5月成為國手以來,兩位滑水界的明日之星四處征戰,不論在「WWA快艇衝浪亞洲巡迴賽」、IWWF亞洲滑水錦標賽」、或是「CWSA 亞洲快艇衝浪錦標賽」的系列賽事,大大綻放光彩,穿金戴銀又鍍銅,一共拿下11面獎牌。




2023 IWWF 世界滑水總會 Wakefest亞洲系列賽 印尼站 優勝選手名單:

(1)  快艇衝浪 Open Women Surf 金牌 – 王凱群

(2)  快艇衝浪 Amateur Women Surf

金牌 – 陳禹璇

銀牌 – 黃沛齊

銅牌 – 陳宥蓁

(3)  快艇衝浪 Amateur Men Surf

金牌 – 陳威閔

銀牌 – 蕭翔泰

(4)  寬板滑水 Intermediate Men Wakeboard 金牌 – 陳威閔

(5)  寬板滑水Under 14 Girls Wakeboard 金牌 – 楊程雅

(6)  快艇衝浪 Open Men Wake Surf 銀牌 – 楊侑曄

(7)  寬板滑水 Open Men Wakeboard 銅牌 – 楊侑曄

(8)  寬板滑水 Under 14 Boys Wakeboard

銀牌  鄭宇閎

銅牌 – 莊元



Taipei, Taiwan---The "Water Ski Federation of the Republic of China" and the "Taipei Water Ski Association" jointly led 14 Taiwanese water skiers to compete in the " IWWF Asian Water Ski Championships" held in Minahasa, Indonesia. A total of Won 5 gold medals, 4 silver medals and 3 bronze medals. Jocelyn Chen Youzhen and Riona Chen Yuxuan , the sports beauties under STARFiSH Sports Agency , once again represented Taiwan as national athletes in the " IWWF Asian Water Ski Championships" held in Minahasa, Indonesia. For the first time, they challenged Amateur Women Surf speedboat surfing. In the amateur women's category, Riona Chen Yuxuan won the gold medal and Jocelyn Chen Youzhen also won the bronze medal.

14 water skiers from Taiwan bravely competed in the Minahasa competition in Indonesia. The age group of this competition focuses on those between 11 and 18 years old, and a new generation of skaters is emerging. In the speedboat surfing event, Taiwan's speedboat surfing leads Asia. In the amateur women's group, Riona Chen Yuxuan, Huang Peiqi, and Jocelyn Chen Youzhen won gold, silver, and bronze medals, showing their outstanding strength. In the open group, senior female player Wang Kaiqun won the championship with outstanding performance. . In the open men's category of speedboat surfing, 16 -year-old Yang Youye won the silver medal and the bronze medal in the open men's wideboard water skiing category. In the amateur men's category, Chen Weimin won the gold medal and Xiao Xiangtai won the silver medal. This event witnessed Taiwanese players taking the lead in speedboat surfing in Asia.

Riona Chen Yuxuan couldn't hide her excitement and said: "It was my first time to challenge the Amateur Women Surf category. I was actually very nervous. Fortunately, with the coach's strategic guidance and comfort, I finally lived up to my expectations and won the championship." Jocelyn Chen Youzhen also said: "This is It was an unforgettable experience for me. Although I made a few mistakes, I still enjoyed the competition and learned a lot. Thank you to all the coaches and the amazing Taiwan team."

Fellow juniors and sisters are good friends who have known each other since elementary school. Jocelyn Chen Youzhen and Riona Chen Yuxuan worked together to win glory for Taiwan in international water skiing competitions. They are very happy. Since becoming national athletes in May this year , the two rising stars in the water skiing industry have competed everywhere, whether in the " WWA Speedboat Surfing Asia Tour", " IWWF Asian Water Skiing Championships", or the " CWSA  Asian Speedboat Surfing Championships" series The competition was brilliant, wearing gold, silver and copper, and won a total of 11 medals.

Daughters Jocelyn Chen Youzhen and Riona Chen Yuxuan , whom they have watched since childhood, achieved good results. Taiwanese speedboat surfing goddess Kimberly Chen Meitong was full of pride and a little distressed. He said, "After they became sophomores in high school, they both had a lot of academic pressure, and they also had to take care of the competition. It’s really not easy. I’m very happy that they can overcome the pressure and embrace victory.” Yu Changjun, director of agent STARFiSH, also said: “I hope that Jocelyn Chen Youzhen and Riona Chen Yuxuan can continue to remain enthusiastic, positive and active on the international water skiing stage. It glows and heats up."

The eight elite athletes of the Taipei Water Skiing Team, including Lin Haoting, Chen Weimin, Xiao Xiangtai, Wang Kaiqun, Chen Yuxuan, Jocelyn Chen Youzhen, Huang Peiqi, and Zheng Yanqi, were carefully trained by the Taipei Water Skiing Association. Among them, Riona Chen Yuxuan and Chen Youzhen were selected. This year’s national team. This team has repeatedly achieved great results in international sports systems such as IWWF , WWA , and CWSA . This year, it has accumulated 71 international medals, showing endless efforts.

The team has in-depth cooperation with National Taiwan University's "International Sports Affairs Degree Program". The "Taipei Water Skiing Team" not only focuses on the inheritance of water skiing skills, but also cultivates students' understanding of the development of international sports competitions and is committed to cultivating outstanding international sports talents. Head coach Lin Haoting said that the team's training location is on Shezi Island. The "Hee Ha Ha Water Skiing School" has international standard equipment and gathers Taiwan's best teachers. Combining top international consultants and systematic escalator-style teaching, the "Taipei Water Skiing Team" is committed to creating a golden course in water skiing technology. We warmly welcome people with lofty ideals to join us and create brilliance together!

List of winners of the 2023 IWWF  World Water Ski Federation  Wakefest Asia Series Indonesia:

(1)   Speedboat Surfing  Open Women Surf  Gold Medal  –  Wang Kaiqun

(2)   Speed ​​boat surfingAmateur  Women Surf

Gold Medal  –  Chen Yuxuan

Silver Medal  –  Huang Peiqi

Bronze Medal  –  Chen Youzhen

(3)   Speed ​​boat surfingAmateur  Men Surf

Gold Medal  –  Chen Weimin

Silver Medal  –  Xiao Xiangtai

(4)   Wideboard  Intermediate Men Wakeboard  Gold Medal  –  Chen Weimin

(5)   Wideboard wakeboard Under 14 Girls Wakeboard  gold medal  –  Yang Chengya

(6)   Speedboat Surfing  Open Men Wake Surf  Silver Medal  –  Yang Youye

(7)   Wideboard Wakeboard Open Men Wakeboard  Bronze Medal  –  Yang Youye 

(8)   Wideboard wakeboard Under 14 Boys Wakeboard 

Silver Medal – Zheng Yuhong  

Bronze Medal  –  Zhuang Yuan