Ms. Yang mentioned in her speech that the German and Taiwanese governments have set the target of carbon neutrality by 2045 and 2050. Both governments have taken active measures, but to achieve the goal, one cannot only rely on the planning of political and economic frameworks; the participation of private enterprises is also key to success.
GIS (Gas Insulated Switchgear) is a strong product from Siemens Energy, which is also the main equipment for power transmission and plays a vital role in the oil field management, is regarded as the major contributor to Taiwan’s energy transition. Ms. Yang pointed out that the cooperation between Taiwan and Germany will have a positive effect on the promotion of the energy transition in Taiwan.
In fact, the Taiwanese government has been actively promoting energy transition in recent years, and the strengthening of the electrical grid and power network is a crucial part of the renewable energy plan. The government has set an ambitious goal: Power generated from offshore wind is supposed to reach 5.6GW by 2025, and 1.5GW of capacity is to be developed each year from 2026 to 2035.
Company indicated that Taiwan is actively promoting energy transition in tandem
with the world, meanwhile, upgrading the existing grid infrastructure to cope
with the integration of renewable energy into the grid. Many domestics and
foreign manufacturers, such as Tatung and Siemens, have participated in Tai
power’s Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) proposal. At the beginning of
last year, Tatung obtained a total of 179,000 single-phase and three-phase
smart meters contracts with a tender amount of $600 million NTD, and the
construction has begun in the second half of last year. The German Trade Office
Taipei is convinced that the cooperation between Siemens Energy and Tatung is
an ideal investment portfolio for Taiwan’s wind farms and TPC, moreover, the
technical exchange of GIS is expected to integrate Tatung’s operational
interface and maintenance resources.