
Taboola selected as exclusive content recommendations provider by LINE

Taboola, a global leader in powering recommendations for the open web, helping people discover things they may like, today announced LINE Today Hong Kong has selected Taboola to power recommendations across the LINE, global mobile platform
LINE messaging app, reaches more than 188 million global monthly active users and provides a wide range of varieties of services to its users. LINE Today served as a news and content hub which among the leading destinations for mobile news & content consumption in several countries. And Taboolas recommendation will live on LINE Today Hong Kong.
LINE will power recommendations by leveraging several Taboola innovations, including Taboola Feed, a seamlessly integrated feed that provides readers with personalised content for a more engaging experience, across the LINE Today Hong Kong home page and all of its articles.
LINE has built an incredible mobile-first brand that places communication, content, and entertainment at the forefront,” said Adam Singolda, CEO and founder, Taboola. Their massive reach particularly in the APAC region, coupled with our ability to recommend content ensures that people will receive quality news on their devices. Were excited to bring discovery and recommendations to one of the worlds most popular messaging apps, and unlock new ways for LINE to monetize.”
Our goal has always been to bring people around the world closer to each other, to information, and to services,” said Hyunbin Kang, SVP, LINE Plus Corporation. News readership plays an important part towards that goal, as it encourages people to read more about issues that surround them. Taboolas team, technology and its expertise in recommendations made it the best choice for powering recommendations for our users.”