
UNA/NGO ambassadors visit Taiwan for the first time! Joining Friends of Israel Alliance in Taiwan’s “Love isReal Taiwan Initiative International Response” event in Taipei, sending the flame of love and peace around the world

Mr. Peter Kuo, Technology Ambassador of the United Nations Association USA, Orange County, Ms. Mina Holmes, Interfaith Peace-building Initiative Goodwill Ambassador for The Golden Rule, Mr. Ed Zenner, Republican Party of Texas State Republican Executive Committee member, are pictured kicking off the Love isReal music concert. Photo courtesy of the Friends of Israel Alliance in Taiwan.

TAIPEI, May 16 - In recent years, the unstable global geopolitical and macroeconomic environment have developed into a turbulent situation. Some countries or organization have resorted to armed conflicts as away to resolve issues of long-time disputes. Taiwan, situated in the heart of Asia, is also facing similar challenges on the international stage. In response, the Friends of Israel Alliance in Taiwan has invited two United Nation/NGO ambassadors and a Texas Republican Party executive committee member from overseas to join the press conference voicing together the message “The Hope is Real, for Love is Real”, Igniting the flame of love and peace and sending such around the world.

The Friends of Israel Alliance in Taiwan held the “Taiwan Calls Out for Love and Peace” news conference at the Grand Hotel today, garnering coverage by many international media outlets. The event’s participants include Mr. Peter Kuo, Technology Ambassador of the United Nations Association USA, Orange County,

Mrs. Mina Holmes, Interfaith Peace-Building Initiative Goodwill Ambassador for The Golden Rule, and Mr. Ed Zenner, Republican Party of Texas State Republican Executive Committee member. They made the long journey to Taiwan to advocate for peace and love in person and creating a deeply moving experience for all at the venue. The arrival of the dignitaries also marked the first time that two representatives from the United Nations Association/ NGO visited Taiwan with the belief that true love and peace can transcend above the boundaries of race, nation and religion. “Love is Real” will become a new universal catch word for love and peace.

Mrs. Mina Holmes prayed that God will make the world understand “Love is without hatred, Peace is without terror” and use such as the bridge to construct interfaith peace-building and prosperous future for all.  Mr. Peter Kuo called for utilizing technology to create a future of shared prosperity on the foundation of love and peace, while leaving behind long seated hatred, destruction, and terrorism in the past. Mr. Ed Zenner said that the majority of Americans are in support of Israel, for Israel has created a prosperous state safeguarding the human rights for peoples of all races and religions, as well as becoming a role model for democracy in the Middle East.

Taiwan Jewish Community Rabbi Cody R. Bahir, Ph.D. said that he loves Taiwan, and the Love is Real concert initiated by Taiwanese people not only moved him and many, but also made him deeply proud that he is the son-in-law of a Taiwanese family, he believes that Taiwan is indeed a treasure island full of love and peace.

The Friends of Israel Alliance in Taiwan is a Taiwanese civil society organization with members coming together across different races, religions, professions, and age groups. Formed by like- minded individuals who oppose hatred and terrorism and the need to safeguard democracy and other Taiwan mainstream values. The alliance is based on the principles of being entirely grassroots, organic and spontaneous initiative for participants to do their part in spreading the positive energy of love and peace. The alliance is also an outlet for every ordinary citizen grassroots to sound their deepest and purest desire organic, with the courage spontaneity to explore the world’s truths.

Taiwan’s emphasis on human rights and freedoms issues is the result of several peaceful rotations of power between political parties and an inclusive society that accepts different voices. Israel, the only democratic country in the Middle East, is similarly accepting and respectful of peoples of different races and religions. Facing countless international challenges and threats, both Israel and Taiwan still continue to pursue their own path of democracy, truly implementing the spirit of love and peace courageously. Both shared the same precious values and their existence is significant to the world. This is precisely the reason why the Friends of Israel in Taiwan Alliance was founded.

To promote love and peace, the Friends of Israel Alliance in Taiwan will be holding the “Love isReal” music concert on May 18 at the Da’an Forest Park Amphitheatre. Performances will include many music genres, including traditional folk songs by an eight-part harmony choir of Taiwan’s Bunun People, pop music by the singer Wing Lo and Jane Huang, Jewish music highlighted by Rabbi Cody Bahir’s Taiwanese wife, Sonia Bahir. The event will also feature a panel discussion between Mrs. Mina Holmes, Mr. Peter Kuo and Mr. Ed Zenner and Rabbi Cody Bahir and his wife, Sonia Bahir, to showcase Taiwan’s call to the world to promote love and peace.