In the midst of the
epidemic, we still overcame all difficulties to organize this event. We have to
pay our tribute to Council of Agriculture, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bureau
of Foreign Trade, MOEA and Taiwan External Trade Development Council for their
guidance and assistance. The Council of Agriculture in recent years has been
devoting to promote the benefits of smart agriculture and cultivate new style
of farming technics. It also triggers an innovative business model to
accelerate the market efficiency. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has
strengthened the foreign relationship with other diplomatic allies by giving
help in advanced smart agriculture technology. With the assistance from Bureau
of Foreign Trade, MOEA, totally 10 prospective buyers have been invited from
Australia, Hong Kong, Honduras, India, Philippines, South Africa and Vietnam
for 2-day sales meeting in Taiwan. This year both conventional and online exhibitions
go hands in hands. Up to now, total 300 online B2B matchmaking meetings have
successfully matched prospected buyers of 7 nations with the potential
suppliers. The potential business is expected up to a few million US
dollars. Taiwan External Trade Development Council is ever our best
business partner. We are walking in the same vision in promoting and
enhancing the development of smart agriculture in Taiwan to strive for more
foreign trades.
Taiwan Smart Agriweek
is composed of 4 sub-exhibitions. They are Agritech 2022- “Taiwan Int’l
Agri and Horti Technology Expo”, Agrilivestock 2022- Taiwan Int’l Livestock
Technology Expo”, Agriplus 2022–“Taiwan Int’l Agri-Cold Chain and Value Added
Technology Expo”, and Agrifoods 2022– Taiwan Int’l Agri-Foods Expo”. The
exhibits are mainly the intelligence farming facilities and automation system
solution for agriculture facility, orchid planting, seedling nursery, mushroom
farming, poultry farming and livestock farming. It also presents the
fruitful result from the biotechnology R&D. The products are the
fabricated feeds and feeds value-added which effectively strengthen animal
immunity to reach a level of antibiotic-free breeding and lower the possibility
of over-feeding. In a way it eases the existing eco problems. The
comprehensive cold-chain transportation solution can maintain food products in
good quality and bring more business opportunities for conventional and new
agri-food products in both the domestic and global market. The increase in
sales will finally boost farmer’s income. The concurrently held Taiwan
International Fisheries and Seafood Show is consisted of 6 theme pavilions
including “Marine Intelligence Technology and Fisheries Equipment”, “Smart
Aquaculture & Fish Seeding Technology, “Sustainable Aquafeeds”, “Seafood
Value-added Process”, “Quality and Safety of Aquatic Products” and
“Fishery Circular Economy”. They covered the smart solutions for labor
saving, energy saving and eco conversation in the aquaculture and fishing industry.
Our main theme of this
year is “profitability” and “sustainability”. We emphasis that the
farming productions should embrace the principle of eco-sustainability and at
the same time maintain a satisfactory level of profit. We specially put
the highlight on the solution brought by “circular agriculture” through the
cross-industry collaboration. The cooperation across sectors-industry
provides more options for a sustainable growth in the agriculture industry.
King’s Ground has successfully transformed the soybean residue, coffee
grounds and tea leaves into high protein feed and health products. And
Tetanti Agribiotech, through its patent TTT® technology, a quick, effective and
carbon-reducing organic waste processing technology, makes organic fertilizers
and put it back to the farming cycle. In the fishing industry,
King Chou Marine Technology is a professional net maker. Cooperating with
Formosa Chemicals and Fibre, King Chou successfully recycled the old netting
products into high functional sportswear. Long Diann Marine Biotech are
dedicated to tame, artificial breed and rear the high value fish. Now
they have successfully nurtured high value species such as blue-and-yellow
grouper, purple rockcod, tomato rockcod and orange spotted grouper.
Through the mariculture of these wild-caught species, not only does it reduce
the fishing competition with nearby countries, but also lower the number of
these fish being caught in nature. It is a little step contributing to
the ocean sustainability.
In the main pavilion,
the Council of Agriculture has a showroom named “Taiwan Smart Agriculture
Technology Pavilion”. It has models to display the application of smart
agriculture technology and its practical results in the agriculture fields. The
smart technology includes the application of IT, IoT, big data, blockchain and
biotechnology. This offers the agriculture professional a perceptive insight
into those foresight technologies. The Department of Science and
Technology and the Taiwan Institute of Economic Research collaborated to
organize a “Smart Agri Forum”, which the Mayor and Magistrates of agriculture
cities and counties are invited to share the current development and the fruit
they obtained from smart agriculture in their own governance. Moreover, Changhua
County government has set up their own showroom, “Changhua Smart Agriculture”,
to exhibit the fruit they have gained from smart agriculture in recent years,
such as the enhancement in products competency, broadening the sales channels
of new agri-foods and providing variety of quality products for consumers.
Academically, the
research units of National Taiwan Ocean University, National Yang Ming Chiao
Tung University, National Chung Cheng University, National Ilan University and
National Chung Hsing University, as the foundation to foster comprehensive
smart agriculture, have conducted research on agricultural innovation. In the
exhibition, they will collaborate with the relevant start-up to show the result
of their latest development. The National Taiwan Ocean University will reveal
their new technology in coral restoration. This new tech was found successful
in restoring the coral reefs in the north coast of Taiwan. The University will
also show us a new nurtured budget fish, Mighty Tilapia No. 1 (Taiwan Tilapia),
which has better FCR and faster growing rate. National Ilan University
will reveal their findings in the innovative use of the agricultural
byproducts. They found a special chemical substance extracted from the
byproducts can be recycled to utilize in health products or as the raw material
for cosmetics.
This year we have
cooperated with 17 agricultural or fisheries professional divisions, Research
Institutes in Taiwan, Associations of primary production and Institution of
Higher Education, etc to schedule 10 seminars, international forums and
workshops. The topics are: “Smart Agri Ecology System”, “The Production
of Smart Stock Farming and Smart Aquaculture”, “Seawater Fish - Exploring the
high end aquaculture technology for fourfinger threadfin”, “The application of
agricultural facility aimed at desert climate”, “Looking into net-zero emission
and eco-sustainability”, “How AI technology connected with green energy and its
application to aquaculture”, “Cold chain transportation solution for agri-food
products” and the forum for agriculture enterprises and electricity suppliers.
All of them are related to the advance technology and how it helps to reach a
balance between profitability and sustainability and its future development
trend. Both the theory and practical case study will be shared.
Looking forward to your participation.
In recent years, smart
agriculture production has been gradually emerged in Taiwan. Not only
does it improve the farm products quality but also enhance people’s living
standard. With the cold-chain transportation technology, we foresee more
foreign trade opportunities will be open for our fresh farm products.
This year the Agri-food pavilion is specialized for new agri-food products and
aimed to promote the products to worldwide. We also have free activities
for the general public, such as “New Agri-food Cookery Show”, “Mind-soothing
Gardening” and New Agri-food souvenirs for visitors. In the exhibition,
more than 100 types of new agri-food will debut. Let’s eat healthily;
live gratefully. Come to visit this exhibition and fetch the chance to
enjoy Taiwan new agri-food!